Meet Chamar, 2019 Annual Transgender Surgery Fund Recipient!

Congratulations to Chamar P. from Ohio, who has been awarded $5,000 towards his gender-affirming surgery!
Chamar is a 40-year-old trans man of color from Ohio. Like so many of our applicants, Chamar works two jobs to provide for himself, his wife, and their four children.
Over the years, he has fought his insurance company for coverage, but has been denied over and over again for any gender-affirming surgeries or transition-related care. He is unable to obtain a different insurance plan because the school district for which he works does not allow employees to opt out. Chamar is therefore stuck, paying for his medical costs out of pocket. While he has saved up some money for care, he simply cannot make ends meet in providing for his family while also seeking the care he needs to live more authentically.
Chamar works as an Intervention Specialist and educator. In his application, he shared how important his career is to him, in providing a role model to LGBTQ youth. He mentors two transgender students, and frequently gives back to his school community and local LGBTQ community through volunteerism.
Dr. Daniel Medalie and Cleveland Plastic Surgery have generously signed on as sponsors of the 2019 Annual Transgender Surgery Fund program by providing Chamar with a $5,000 discount towards surgery.
Chamar plans to have surgery with Dr. Medalie in the coming months. Stay tuned for updates!

Written by Point of Pride
Point of Pride provides financial aid and direct support to trans folks in need of health and wellness care.