Meet Alida, 2019 Annual Transgender Surgery Fund Recipient!

Congratulations to Alida C. from Massachusetts, who has been awarded $2,000 towards her gender-affirming surgery!
Alida is a 29-year-old trans woman from Massachusetts seeking facial feminization surgery and tracheal shave.
Unfortunately, despite multiple attempts at receiving health insurance coverage towards these gender-affirming procedures, her insurance views this as cosmetic. As a result of these denials, Alida’s dysphoria is at an all-time high, forcing her to leave school and not be able to work. She fears being read as a trans woman in public and facing discrimination or violence.
Alida is active in the community and has mentored local trans women to help them find primary care physicians, navigate the process of legal name changes and gender marker changes, and find safe spaces.
Despite her challenges receiving care, Alida remains optimistic. Post-surgery, she is excited for a future where she finishes her degree and starts working again. She shares that surgery will provide her with confidence, and allow her to enjoy life again.
Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel and The Spiegel Center have generously signed on as sponsors of the 2019 Annual Transgender Surgery Fund program by providing Alida with a $2,000 discount towards surgery.
Alida plans to have surgery with Dr. Spiegel in the coming months. Stay tuned for updates!

Written by Point of Pride
Point of Pride provides financial aid and direct support to trans folks in need of health and wellness care.