Meet Noah, 2022 Annual Trans Surgery Fund Recipient

Congratulations to Noah, who has been awarded $8,000 towards his gender-affirming surgery!
Noah (he/him) is a 21-year-old Latino trans man currently seeking top surgery. Noah had previously attempted to get surgery covered through insurance but was denied, after starting a small business that unfortunately could not be sustained alongside university work. He later began fundraising via GoFundMe but was unsuccessful.
Having reached a point where gender dysphoria had become crippling, as many other trans people understand, top surgery grants him access to the medically urgent and necessary gender-affirming care he desperately requires. Surgery will allow Noah to be one step closer to happiness and one step closer to feeling comfortable in his body, an undeniable liberation that can only improve one's quality of life.
Noah is a physics and computer science undergraduate student hoping to pursue graduate programs in creative writing. He wishes to take his science background and apply it to developing science fiction stories.
Noah plans to have surgery with Dr. Scott Mosser of the Gender Confirmation Center in the coming months.The Gender Confirmation Center has been a proud sponsor with Point of Pride’s Annual Trans Surgery Fund since 2018, and we are so grateful for the work Dr. Mosser does to provide gender-affirming surgeries for the trans, non-binary, and gender-diverse community.

Written by Point of Pride
Point of Pride provides financial aid and direct support to trans folks in need of health and wellness care.