Meet Natalie, 2019 Annual Transgender Surgery Fund Recipient!

Congratulations to Natalie M. from Ohio, who has been awarded $3,000 towards her gender-affirming surgery!
Natalie is a 35-year-old trans woman from Ohio. Like so many of our applicants, she has tried to get her insurance company to cover her gender-affirming care for the last 5 years. Despite numerous attempts, it continues to be denied. Natalie has significant financial need that means without this support, surgery has been out of reach. She writes, “As an elementary music teacher, I only make about $225/week. Between my rent, bills, and two children, I can barely afford reeds and valve oil for my concert band students. I’ve tried to save money for the past 2 years and every time I’m getting a good start, there’s a car repair or instrument repair that sends me back to square one.”
Natalie also works as a solo musician and in a band, performing regularly at Pride festivals, Transgender Day of Remembrance events, and other LGBTQ functions in her home state. In her application she shared how fulfilling it is to be able to elevate other trans musicians in the music industry while also representing the community proudly.
Natalie is excited for the little differences in her everyday life that gender-affirming surgery provides. She looks forward to swimming, a big passion of hers that she has not done in years out of fear and dysphoria.
Dr. Sherman Leis and The Center for Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery have generously signed on as sponsors of the 2019 Annual Transgender Surgery Fund program by providing Natalie with a $3,000 discount towards surgery.
Natalie plans to have surgery with Dr. Leis in the coming months. Stay tuned for updates!

Written by Point of Pride
Point of Pride provides financial aid and direct support to trans folks in need of health and wellness care.