Meet Lukas, 2020 Annual Transgender Surgery Fund Recipient!

Congratulations to Lukas Y. from Colorado, who has been awarded $6,500 towards his gender-affirming surgery!
Lukas is 24-year-old trans man from Colorado seeking top surgery. He works full time at a homeless shelter as a Sous chef, but the insurance offered by the Christian organization has an exclusion for gender-affirming care. He has been struggling to cover cost of living and prior debt, on top of putting aside money towards surgery.
While working in the Air Force, he was able to get an exception through the Secretary of the Air Force in order to be able to wear a male uniform. Unfortunately, the military insurance, Tricare, would not cover gender-affirming care. Lukas continued to work to find care and resources to pay for their surgery but encountered numerous set backs, including a hospitalization. Binding his chest is taking a toll on his joints because his daily work is so physical.
In the future, Lukas hopes to eventually own his own food truck, providing donations to homeless shelters as well as mentorship to individuals struggling with addiction. He is committed to caring and giving back to people who are down on their luck—his work helps him to love others in a greater capacity as well as himself.
Lukas plans to have surgery with Dr. Scott Mosser at the Gender Confirmation Center in the coming months. Dr. Mosser has been a proud sponsor with Point of Pride’s Annual Trans Surgery Fund since 2018, and we are so grateful for his collaboration and the work he does to provide gender-affirming surgeries for the trans, non-binary, and gender-diverse community.
Stay tuned for updates!

Written by Point of Pride
Point of Pride provides financial aid and direct support to trans folks in need of health and wellness care.