Meet Loreana, 2023 Annual Trans Surgery Fund Recipient

Congratulations to Loreana, who has been awarded $12,000 towards gender-affirming surgery!
Loreana (no pronouns) is a trans androgynous individual and refugee. Despite major financial challenges, Loreana's positivity is clear. Loreana says, "My journey gets better everyday: it has been so explorative and challenging. I am ready to make decisions and empower myself."
Loreana is a hard working person who loves soccer and music, time with family, reading, and food.
Loreana is excited for post-operative life, especially the ability to stop wearing bras and no longer experiencing swelling each period cycle. Loreana shares, "I won't have to try to hide my chest anymore. This will change my life in many ways, and help my human development in ways that I cannot even foresee at the present time."
Loreana will have surgery with Dr. Sidhbh Gallagher and the Gallagher Center in the coming months. This year, we welcome The Gallagher Center as a proud sponsor of Point of Pride’s Annual Trans Surgery Fund. We are so grateful for the work Dr. Gallagher does to provide gender-affirming surgeries for the trans, nonbinary, and gender-diverse community.

Written by Point of Pride
Point of Pride provides financial aid and direct support to trans folks in need of health and wellness care.