Gender Odyssey and PTHC 2017 Recap

The Point of Pride team had a fantastic time attending the 2017 Gender Odyssey Conference in Seattle from August 23-24 and the Philadelphia Trans Health Conference from September 7-9.
We met so many incredible trans folks and allies at both events. It was so inspiring to make new friends, hear your stories, and spread awareness about our nonprofit and our programs.
And thanks to everyone who came out in support of our fundraisers! We had so much fun meeting with y’all and enjoying some great food. Together we raised $240 from our Chipotle and Panera events – enough to cover the cost to ship 80 chest binders to trans folks who can’t otherwise afford or obtain them!
Here’s some of our favorite photos from the events! Can’t wait to see y’all next year. 🙂

Written by Point of Pride
Point of Pride provides financial aid and direct support to trans folks in need of health and wellness care.