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Breast Form Donations

This program has been discontinued as of August 2017.

Because the demand for this program was low, and we had not received many donated breast forms, we have made the decision to discontinue the program.


How is Point of Pride centering the needs of trans femme folks?

We’re glad you asked! In September 2017, we launched an Electrolysis Support Fund, a financial assistance program that provides grants towards permanent hair removal services. To our knowledge, this scholarship-like program is the first and only one of its kind.

In January 2019, we launched a free femme shapewear program that provides tucking undergarments to folks who need them and cannot otherwise afford or safely obtain them.

We consistently review our programs to evaluate different ways we can best serve our community. Please contact us if you have suggestions of other ways we can help trans women, trans femmes, and non-binary folks.